
West Side United Methodist Church

West Side Weekly - May 2, 2024

Published 16 days ago • 14 min read

One of the many blessings of being United Methodist is that we are a part of an international church, with ministries across the globe. We are not just flying solo here in Ann Arbor, but instead are connected to a family of churches and diverse ministries that exponentially multiples our faith journey and outreach. As Marilyn Kirking shared last week, currently there is a meeting called General Conference that has UMC delegates from all over the world gathered in one place, discussing, praying and voting on the direction of our denomination. This meeting usually occurs every four years, but was delayed due to the pandemic, so there is a lot of business to work through. You can follow along to catch up on the highlights, or watch it live by clicking on one these links:

But today I want to highlight a major change that was just passed at the conference, which is historical and will affect our future. To briefly summarize - the legislation that just passed organizes our denomination into regions around the globe, with each region having the ability to make changes to polity and policy that is appropriate to their context. The following is a quote from a recent Michigan Conference website summary article:

Under the regionalization legislation, the United States and each central conference — church regions in Africa, Europe, and the Philippines — would become regional conferences with the same authority to adapt the Book of Discipline, the denomination’s policy book, for more missional effectiveness. Sections of the Book of Discipline related to criteria for ordination, licensed ministry, and marriage rites could be uniquely appropriated for each region’s context.

Rev. Charles Boayue, clergy delegate from Birmingham: First UMC, says regionalization will bring much-needed flexibility to ministry in The United Methodist Church. Still, it does not guarantee that all parts of the world will say yes to the same things. “For example, in most of Africa,” he explains, “they are not likely to adapt their regional Book of Discipline to allow the same things that the United States will allow. But at least in the case of Western Europe and the United States, now the church can say yes to whoever God calls, whoever seeks to serve God in the church faithfully. There will be no limitation to what you can do on behalf of Christ in the world. Whether you are gay, lesbian, or transgender, you are a child of God, and the church invites you to live out your calling in The United Methodist Church fully.”

No one wanted to see our church split into the UMC and the Global Methodist Church - but this legislation would never have passed if the split did not happen. It is truly amazing that for centuries we have functioned under one book of polity that ruled across cultures and languages and contexts. But on the other hand, that initial ideal that John Wesley and others set up had it's season for effectiveness, that probably ran it's course some time ago. It seems that humanity often finds itself designing and following systems that have initial fruitfulness and blessing, but eventually we have a difficult time realizing when we are maintaining the system for the sake of the system, even when that system is no longer bearing good fruit and effectiveness. (I could probably have said that better, but hopefully you get the point!)

As I write this, this regional freedom to adjust polity came to fruition! The news just came across my computer screen that General Conference has removed The United Methodist Church’s ban on the ordination of clergy who are “self-avowed practicing homosexuals” — a prohibition that dates back to 1984!

More on all of this news to come....but for now please keep our church and denomination in prayer. The news cycles are already beginning to share this information, so I'm sure there will be both positive and negative spins on all of it!

But for now, we rejoice with those who have had to hide who they are in order to serve in the ministry, and for those whom marriage was not a choice based on their sexual identity.

May the United Methodist Church continue to be known as a safe and welcoming place for all!!

On the way there,
Pastor Adam

On Sunday we announced the amazing news that $337,000 has already been pledged to West Side Church for our AccessAbility Campaign!!! So we are well on our way to being able to complete our digital and physical upgrades! There is still opportunity for you to jump onboard with us....Don't forget....SUNDAY MAY 5 we will have a special moment in worship to turn in your AccessAbility pledge cards! If you already have turned it in, or shared your pledge via electronic means...thank you!! If you need to mail it in, thank you in advance for that too!! In thanks to God and the commitment of this congregation, we are having an AccessAbility Celebration Luncheon this Sunday after worship! Please join us - whether you were able to pledge or not...all are invited!! Please contact the office with your RSVP.

Happy May!

Our youth group hang-out with First UMC was a blast! Seeing teenagers off screens, socializing, and having fun outdoors together was such a joy. This was a beautiful act of worship! We also had small group discussions about what it means to belong and how Jesus was radically inclusive. Enjoy the pics!

I will lead a 5-week group discussion starting on Wednesday, May 22nd, on Anne Lamott's latest book, "Somehow: Thoughts on Love." In her twentieth book, Lamott explores the transformative power of love in our lives: how it surprises us, forces us to confront uncomfortable truths, reminds us of our humanity, and guides us forward. Feel free to join us on Wednesdays at 10 am in the lobby. Even if you can only attend one or none of our discussions, please let me know if you would like a copy of the book.

Samantha Tidball

Associate Pastor

Highlights from the UMC General Conference.
Tracy S. Malone, was installed as the first female black President of the UM Council of Bishops.

Regionalization Approved
The General Conference approved the regionalization legislation that makes the United States and each central conference — church regions in Africa, Europe, and the Philippines — regional conferences that can adapt the Book of Discipline to their needs for ordination, licensed ministry, and marriage rites. This change will allow the future general conference meetings to focus on their missional objectives and efforts.
The regionalization legislation is a constitutional amendment that must be voted on and ratified by all the United Methodist annual conferences. It will need at least a two-thirds total vote by lay and clergy voters at each annual conference no later than 30 days after the end of General Conference . And two-thirds of that total number of aggregate votes is required for ratification. In Michigan, this vote will happen at the 2024 Michigan Annual Conference at the end of this month.

LGBTQ Restrictions Removed
General conference voted:
-to remove ban on ordination of clergy who are self-avowed practicing homosexuals-to prohibit superintendents from penalizing clergy or churches for holding or refraining from holding same-sex weddings-to eliminate ban on using UM funds to promote acceptance of homosexuality (this ban prevented funding of suicide prevention efforts for LGBTQ youth)

Other approvals
Social Principles Revisions (I will include the revised version in a future weekly article)

-to delete the 2019 disaffiliation policy from the Book of Discipline
- to require all annual conferences set a reaffirmation policy for churches wanting to return to the UMC

-to change the funding formula for the local church's portion of the denomination-wide church budget from 3.29% to 2.6%.
-to change the retirement plan for clergy starting in 2025 to a contribution plan rather than a defined benefit.
-to eliminate the formula used to determine the number of bishops needed per jurisdiction. A new 5 bishop minimum set. If a jurisdiction requests more than than 5 then the jurisdiction must fund the extra positions not the denomination.
If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Adam or me.


Marilyn Kirking

If you are interested in becoming an educator for the Michigan Gun Violence Prevention campaign, the next training session on Zoom is May 16 at 8pm. For more information & to register go here or contact Marilyn Kirking at 734 358 7985 or

Each month we will share 2 - 3 highlights from our Leadership Board meetings here. The board meetings commonly include topics around church finance, trustees, staff parish relations and overall mission and vision.

  • End Gun Violence Michigan: Silence the Violence event: West Side Church inquiring to possibly partner with event at St Aidan Episcopal Church, 6/29/24 6:30pm.
  • Discussing the need for refreshening of cross and flame symbols on front and back of church building (or need to replace). Also may move the symbol on front of building to more visible spot (currently behind tree in back of garden). Also exploring pride flag update, as current flag is faded and not up-to-speed with current pride inclusive and affirming symbols.
  • Elevator upgrade has begun and should be completed soon. This includes collaborating with fire alarm upgrade and some work by Turner Electric as well.

West Side Thursday Morning Bible Study

Our spring ZOOM Bible Study started today at 11:00am. This Bible Study is on ZOOM because we have members that were once at Westside, but have moved out of state. It is an amazing group that enjoy prayer and group support as we discuss Bible study curriculum in a safe, nonjudgmental space. We take turns facilitating the group, though this is definitely not a requirement to be part of the group.

We will be studying Christianity and World Religions by Adam Hamilton. Lisa, our office manager, has ordered the book. It is available in the West Side Office for $11 and/or can be ordered on Amazon.

To prepare for the first session we will plan on reading the introduction and Chapter 1 - The Wise Men. If you have any questions, please text, call or email Ann Andraska @ 734-751-7456 or

Recurring ZOOM link for the sessions:

Topic: Bible Study - Christianity and World Religions

Time: May 2, 2024 11:00 AM Eastern Time

Meeting ID: 875 0568 8146

Thank you, Westside UMC!!

Westside UMC was able to make this donation because of your ongoing support! A BIG Thank you goes out to all of you!! Please take a look at the Facebook note that was posted this week on Alpha House’s Facebook page.

Any questions, please call, text or email Ann Andraska

(734-751-7456 / or Kenndra Brewer (

We recently set the dates for our participation in Habitat for Humanity this Summer.

Our congregation is pledging:

  • one group of 8-10 people for Saturday June 15.
  • one group of 8-10 people for Saturday August 10
  • one smaller group of 4-5 people for Friday August 23

We will also need 2 volunteers to provide lunches each day.

Please sign up on the event table in the welcome center. Online registration will be available soon.

Memorial Garden Assistance

The Memorial Garden is quickly covering the soil with green foliage. Three sections are without a "garden helper" for the 2024 season. A little attention every two weeks keeps the entire garden a place of beauty, peace and reflection for neighborhood families as well as members of our church family. Please, three from our church family contact me to fill in Memorial Garden sections in need of care.
Doug Brewer 734 665-5840 (or a few minutes on Sunday)

No Elevator Service for 1 More Week Due to Maintenance

Sermon Audio

Our recent sermons are now available to stream on Podbean. Check them out if you missed them! They are also available on our website.

Get ready for another wild ride with some very interesting women of the Bible. We will finish the book on Wednesday, May 15th at 10:30 AM. We gather around the fire place in the hospitality area and study a different woman each week. If you have to miss a session, that’s ok.

This class is an 8 week class filled with laughter and discovery. It’s very informal and the discussions are lively. If you ever thought you might like to try a Bible study, but were afraid, thinking you didn’t know enough or you don’t have time for a lot of homework, this is the study for you!

The book is available on Amazon for around $13 and I have found 4 used books that I have put in the office. They are free to the first 4 people who want one. Please call Betsy Doepken (317-437-0971) to have any questions answered.

NEW Facebook Page

Our new Facebook page is live! Like us to be updated on what's going on around at West Side.

Prayer Concerns

If you would like to include a prayer concern to be listed in this section of our Weekly email, please email the church office with the name, and if you would like, you may add a brief description, eg. surgery, cancer diagnosis, death in the family, etc. This concern will be listed for 8 weeks. You can request the office to leave the name on the list for a longer period as well.

Andy Siddall (Tom Hams’ nephew)

Fay Cozadd

West Side Bookworms

The West Side Bookworms will be meeting on Thursday, June 6 at 10am. Please join us around the fireplace to discuss Throwaway Children by Diney Costeloe. Need a copy? Call Betsy Doepken at 317-374-0971

June 6 Throwaway Children by Diney Costeloe


Aug. 8 The Women in the Castle by Jessica Shattuck

Sept. 5 The Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline

West Side Reads

We had a great discussion at our Westside Reads about the book How the Word is Passed and are looking forward to our next book - How Ableism Fuels Racism by Lamar Hardwick. Our next and last read for the 2023-24 academic year will be on June 2 at 7:00pm on zoom. We would love for you to join our discussion!

Summary of How Ableism Files Racism: As a Black autistic pastor and disability scholar, Lamar Hardwick lives at the intersection of disability, race, and religion. Tied to this reality, he heeded the call to write How Ableism Fuels Racism to help Christian communities engage in critical conversations about race by addressing issues of ableism.

Hardwick believes that ableism--the idea that certain bodies are better than others--and the disability discrimination fueled by this perspective are the root causes of racial bias and injustice in American

culture and in the church. Here, he uses historical records, biblical interpretation, and disability studies to examine how ableism in America led to the creation of images, idols, and institutions that perpetuate both disability and racial discrimination.

He then goes a step further, calling the church into action to address the deep-seated issues of ableism that started it all and offering practical steps to help readers dismantle ableism and racism both in attitude and practice.

This book is available on Audible, Kindle, new in hardback through Amazon and can be ordered through local bookstores in Ann Arbor.

Because we have Westside friends that are no longer in Ann Arbor, we will continue to have our discussions via zoom. Please join us on ZOOM June 2 as we continue reading and learning about Social Justice in our world.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 828 0144 1457

If you have any questions at all, please contact Ann Andraska at or

Cindy Heflin Pelo at

Library Book of the Week

From debut author Sally Kilpatrick comes a hopeful tale of love and redemption in a quiet Southern town where a lost soul finds her way with the help of an unlikely circle of friends…

Life has dealt Beulah Land a tough hand to play, least of all being named after a hymn. A teenage pregnancy estranged her from her family, and a tragedy caused her to lose what little faith remained. The wayward daughter of a Baptist deacon, she spends her nights playing the piano at The Fountain, a honky-tonk located just across the road from County Line Methodist. But when she learns that a dear friend’s dying wish is for her to take over as the church’s piano player, she realizes it may be time to face the music…

Beulah butts heads with Luke Daniels, the new pastor at County Line, who is determined to cling to tradition even though he needs to attract more congregants to the aging church. But the choir also isn’t enthusiastic about Beulah’s contemporary take on the old songs and refuse to perform. Undaunted, Beulah assembles a ragtag group of patrons from The Fountain to form the Happy Hour Choir. And as the unexpected gig helps her let go of her painful past—and accept the love she didn’t think she deserved—she just may be able to prove to Luke that she can toe the line between sinner and saint…

Crafty Christians

Bring yourself, a craft or a coloring page for a fun time! We meet Fridays from 11am-1pm. All are welcomed for fellowship and laughter. Please contact Judy Smith with any questions.

May Community Offering: Alpha House/IHN

Westside’s Community Offering for the month of May will go to Alpha House. In addition, we have our volunteer week May 6-12. Thank you SO much to everyone that is donating their time, food and/or money for our May week! You’ll have another chance to provide for Alpha House in September. Please know that you are making a difference!

Mission and History of Alpha House

More than providing just a bed and a roof for families, the goal of Alpha House is to support families in securing and maintaining their own home. The average age of a child experiencing homelessness is seven. Within a single year, 87% of children experiencing homelessness move, often up to three times, meaning changes in school, teacher and school work. Children often fall behind academically and struggle emotionally, mentally and behaviorally. At Alpha House, they strive to provide children the support they need in shelter and during the transition back into permanent housing.

Alpha House was established in 1992 to provide shelter and support to families experiencing homelessness and at-risk families. They serve over forty families a year in the shelter and up to ninety families through their rapid rehousing program. Alpha House provides intensive support services to address each family's individual needs and barriers to securing permanent housing. Their Case Managers begin with assisting each family to identify goals and objectives to move toward housing stability. The goals for families are focused on increasing income and savings, increasing employment and securing housing. Alpha House services aim to provide stability for parents and children living in the shelter and guide them through a plan to secure and maintain stable housing.

Alpha House is truly a community response to homelessness. Each year over 2,500 volunteers from local congregations, community groups, and businesses support the shelter by cooking and serving meals, engaging with the children, providing support and mentorship to the adults, and performing all the shelter maintenance (inside and outside). Every volunteer reminds the families that they are not alone in their struggles.

If you ever have questions or would love to find ways to volunteer, donate or just take a tour, please contact Ann Andraska: OR Kenndra Brewer: OR you can call Alpha House directly at 734-822-0220 OR visit their website:

Church Calendar

To stay up to date on what is going on at West Side, check out our calendar.

Please contact the church office to schedule a room for a meeting or event.

In Memoriam

Frank J. Siller
April 30, 1930 - September 2, 2022

Nancy Brewer
January 14, 1944 - September 2, 2022

Judith Oakes Fraleigh
November 21, 1935 - January 18, 2023

Edith Laura Semark
August 18, 1934 - February 3, 2023

Trenna Elizabeth Garner
January 8, 1935 - January 14, 2023

Carol Kreischer
December 28, 1930 - February 25, 2023

Joyce Weldon Clark
September 28, 1935 - February 27, 2023

Richard "Rip" Kinney
March 17, 1934 - April 21, 2023

Graham Robert Putnam
April 11, 1947 - October 31, 2023

Stephen Lacoe
February 10, 1936 - February 15, 2024

Marguerite Fisher
November 21, 1923 - February 16, 2024

Elizabeth Audette
May 31, 1960 - April 21, 2024

Giving Generously & Virtually

If you are able to, please consider giving virtually in the upcoming weeks by visiting our giving tab from our website here, or using our text-to-give function (instructions on how to do this can be found here). Thanks for all that you do to support the West Side family!

Adam Bissell

Associate Pastor
Samantha Tidball

Director of Music Ministries
Jacob Carroll

Office Manager
Lisa Mayne

Church Office Hours - Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10am-2pm
900 S. Seventh St
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

This is what the Lord says: ‘Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.
-Jeremiah 6:16a

900 S. Seventh St., Ann Arbor, MI 48103
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West Side United Methodist Church

West Side is a church that provides a variety of spiritual growth opportunities and experiences. We recognize that there is no “one size fits all,” when it comes to how people live out their spiritual journeys. Subscribe to stay up to date on all the exciting things going on at West Side.

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